
The Bostik brand belongs to the Den Braven group, it is known for the innovation and quality of its products, which are designed to meet the most demanding market requirements and withstand the most difficult conditions of use.
The company continuously invests in research and development, developing new products and improving existing technologies.
The company was founded in 1889 and began its activity as a producer of adhesives for the shoe industry.
De atunci, s-a extins și și-a diversificat gama de produse și servicii pentru a satisface nevoile
diferitelor industrii și aplicații.
Bostik is also involved in sustainable development and aims to provide green and sustainable solutions for its customers.
Compania are ca obiectiv reducerea amprentei sale de carbon și promovarea economiei circulare
prin intermediul produselor sale și a proceselor de fabricație.

Adresa : Str. Dacia nr 1A, Rudeni, Ilfov
Telefon : 031.432.77.86
Fax : : 031.432.77.87
E-mail: office@flasher.ro
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